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18th, 19th, 20th October 2023

Spectrum is excited to announce that we now offer the Anna Freud Centre accredited MBT Basic Training for BPD workshop (3-day)! The MBT Basic Training serves as the essential foundation for professionals seeking to enhance their skills in the treatment of personality disorders.

Spectrum’s MBT Basic Training is accredited and recognised by the Anna Freud Centre as the first component of their formal training program to become an accredited practitioner in MBT as follows:

1. MBT Basic training workshop delivered by Spectrum MBT practitioners
2. Supervision with an MBT Practitioner
3. MBT Certificate workshop for practitioner level.



When: 18th, 19th and 20th October 2023

Time: 9:00am – 4:30pm

Where: Spectrum, level 1, 110 Church st, Richmond 3121 VIC

Cost: $875

Click HERE for more information and to register

(For more information on the Anna Freud Centre MBT training program, please refer to their website here).