The Centre was launched at Spectrum’s inaugural Research Forum in November 2021.

The Centre will provide a focal point for communications describing and broadcasting Spectrum’s Research and Innovation program.


The creation of the Personality Disorder and Complex Trauma Research & Innovation Centre at Spectrum will develop, evaluate, and promulgate effective treatment, research, and training initiatives that focus a spotlight on Personality Disorder and Complex Trauma to better understand the relationship between the two. The recognition of the role of trauma in the development of serious mental health disorders will enable advocacy, improve resourcing, provide hope, and ultimately help many people who suffer and experience poor life outcomes due to their exposure to often horrific traumatic events.

Objectives of the Personality Disorder and Complex Trauma Research & Innovation Centre

The Objectives of the Centre include:

  • Facilitating knowledge-sharing and aspiring to promote best practice in the care of people with complex trauma-related disorders and personality disorder
  • Embracing constant learning, improvement and change, utilizing co-production principles with lived experience partners
  • Undertaking high quality translational research into clinical programs and supporting their translation into practice throughout the mental health and wellbeing system
  • Supporting the care of people with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorders by innovating treatments and guiding delivery of treatments that achieve best possible mental health outcomes for people with lived experience of complex trauma
  • Generating and collating evidence for best possible clinical care to inform workforce training, practice and professional development across the system
  • Development of Guidelines and Position Statements to inform service delivery, policy and law making
  • Identifying and championing evidence-informed pathways and advocating for their resourcing by the Victorian government
  • Engaging with the clinical, academic, and consumer and carer audiences via annual events such as Spectrum’s conference and Research Forum
  • Striving for excellence and driving innovation through collaboration with services, organisations, government agencies and educational institutions
  • Facilitating sabbatical placements and funding travelling fellowships and visiting scholars

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