Health professionals

Spectrum Intake Service accepts referrals for Spectrum assessment and treatment. Our clinicians respond to all calls in a respectful and professional manner, listen to the referrer’s situation, and discuss whether referral is appropriate at that time.

Unfortunately due to our extensive waiting list, we are not accepting new referrals from GPs and private psychiatrists at this stage. Our website will be updated soon outlining our new referral processes.

We will continue to take referrals from Area Mental Health Services.

If you are requesting specific training

Before making a referral

Factors that need to be in considered prior to referring a patient to Spectrum for treatment include:

  • The client has already been consulted regarding what Spectrum treatment means for them, both emotionally (i.e. working through painful and difficult issues in order to learn alternative coping strategies), psychologically (to understand him or herself and others), and practically (to reliably attend therapy on a weekly basis and travel distances for appointments).
  •  Consider if the client:
    • is aware and willing to wait for up to two wait lists (one for assessment, the other for treatment)
    • has had a discussion with a mental health professional about the psycho-educational aspects of having a diagnosis of BPD
    • has an adequate support system in place
    • is fully aware that the purpose of having an assessment is to consider whether Spectrum treatment is the most appropriate pathway for them at this point.

Documents required

The relevant documents to support the referral process are:

For Area Mental Health Service staff, please call intake to discuss the referral and have ready: 

  • Current psychiatric assessment (including diagnosis) or comprehensive psychological assessment
  • Treatment plan outlining the current clinical management strategy
  • Information relating to any previous psychotherapeutic treatment that the client has undertaken, including previous or current Spectrum treatment
  • Recent clinical review or other documents with formulation and client history.