Spectrum has now been recognised as an internationally accredited Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT) centre by the Anna Freud Centre. 

This is in recognition of the outstanding work that Spectrum's MBT clinic provides including clinical treatment, training, supervision, service development, promotion/advocacy and research. 

As part of this recognition, Spectrum will also be launching and leading an initiative under the banner of the Australian MBT Institute. It's aim is to increase Australia's workforce capacity to provide MBT, and to achieve excellence in promoting and supporting research locally and via the Global MBT Network.

The Institute will have a range of purposes including to:

  1. Create a national network of MBT centres across Australia to support a community of practice by drawing together services and providers who are applying MBT in various settings e.g., forensics, parent-infant work, child and youth, adults, etc.
  2. Lead training and dissemination of MBT in Australia.
  3. Support people to:
    1. Access non-clinical information about MBT.
    2. Find how to access MBT publicly, and privately.
    3. Maintain a national register of accredited practitioners.
  4. Lead local research projects/treatment developments and disseminate the latest findings from international research.
  5. Develop a community of practice and skills maintenance opportunities.
  6. Host regular professional development seminars/events.

This will formalise and broaden the extensive range of activities already taking place within Spectrum’s MBT Clinic. We look forward to achieving this with collaboration from other stakeholders who are active in this space and will be reaching out to you to connect and discuss things further.

We are also delighted to announce that Professor Anthony Bateman has agreed to be our first patron of the Institute and will support its continued development.


To register for our 3-day MBT Basic Training please go to our events page.
If you have any questions regarding this initiative please contact Julian: julian.nesci@easternhealth.org.au

A/Prof Sathya Rao OAM
Executive Clinical Director                                                       

Dr. Julian Nesci

Clinical MBT Specialist